Membership is a huge deal at Cornerstone.

We believe that every follower of Christ is called to belong to a local family of believers, and that is what membership looks like for us at Cornerstone. Our hope is that everyone who attends a Sunday Worship Gathering or Community Group at Cornerstone would move from being a first-time guest to a fully participating family member at Cornerstone.

If you desire to make a deeper commitment and make Cornerstone Church your home, we encourage you to move forward with membership. Follow the steps listed here to get the process started.

step one

Membership Class

The first step to becoming a Family Member at Cornerstone Church, or simply learning more about what we are all about, is to attend one of our Membership Classes. We have these on select Sunday’s throughout the year, immediately following our Sunday service.

step two

Follow Up Membership Convo

The follow-up conversation is a chance for us to get to know you (and your family), hear the story of how God has rescued you, hear about what God is currently doing in your life, and answer any questions you have. We view the follow-up conversation as a way to get to know and serve every person who becomes a part of the Cornerstone family.

step three

Finalizing Membership & Next Steps

During the follow up convo we will help you take any next steps to finalize your Membership. For you, this may be signing your membership covenant and helping you take a next step in serving or joining a community group. For others, it may be walking with you through any additional next steps you would like to take.

Ready to become a member?

Get registered for the next Membership Class